
Sunday 19 August 2012

Rainy Days

What to do on a rainy day?  Well, if you are playing tourist in Seoul, you take your umbrella and you catch the subway and go somewhere...and walk around.

Wednesday, August 15 was Independence Day in Korea, so we decided to go downtown.  We also wanted to do reconnaissance for the Sunday trip to the Myeong-dong Cathedral.

It was exceptionally rainy!  This was what we saw when we got off the subway.  There were even police directing traffic in this downpour!

Obviously there is umbrella etiquette to be observed...

We found the cathedral!

We are still excited to see those things familiar...

and unfamiliar...

We have also learned what to do with a wet umbrella when going into a shop.  Most large stores, the cathedral, (and our school) have one of these devices.  When you arrive at the door with a drippy umbrella you encase it in a plastic sleeve - 3 easy steps!
First, take your wet umbrella

Put it in the sleeve dispenser...

 Pull back and voila!

Your umbrella is ready to go inside...

We did get pretty soaked from our trip downtown in the rain, but we didn't shrink.  It was amazing to us that even though it was pouring, there were still LOTS of people on the streets.

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