
Wednesday 15 August 2012

Doing Laundry

Laundry practices match the small size of apartments, and the (apparently) high cost of utilities. (We haven't had our first bill yet, so we don't know for sure).  Our washer is small, and we have no dryer.  The E-Mart department store (kind of an up-scale Wal-Mart) had about 10 styles of drying racks - with various prices.  We opted for a "cheaper" 18 000 Won style.  A few extra hangers, some clothespins and a fan...we're set.  So far clothes have dried quickly...but I wonder about winter...Certainly light fabrics are preferable to heavy ones :)

On our last trip to E-Mart we saw this washer on display - the "Mini" and it was pictured as being placed on the wall just outside the kitchen.  We both wondered what (and how much of what) a person could wash at one time...2 shirts?  6 pairs of socks?  a towel or two?  A mystery...

And note the price!   499 000 Won - a very BIG hole in $500!!

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