
Monday 16 July 2012

Happy Big Steel Box Day!

We are the happy owners of a Big Steel Box.  It looks very roomy!  Now to start packing in earnest.  My sewing room /office is pretty much boxed up, as are kids books, my books and all items which live under the stairs.  My garage sale pile is GROWING...There is Oh So Much to pack yet.  Tomorrow I may tackle the clothes, deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, and what to take...many decisions.

We have been asked to meet parents and help "sell" the school when we get to Korea - something we are happy to do...but this means dress clothes of course.  Our apartment will be ready - we are right across from the school on the 6th floor, but do not face the school, so we won't have to look at it on our days off :)  We are about 3-4 blocks from the subway and from a market.  I'm really looking forward to going exploring when we get there.

We have renters, which is a huge relief, and a place to park the truck.  Everything is falling into place.  We are leaving Aug 1, and staying at Susan's (a friend from work) until our flight.  It is weird to think of someone else living in our house (while it is still our house).  We have a terrific agent, so things should go smoothly there.

So many things to think about and do....and the weather is sunny and the pool is inviting....SIGH.

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