
Sunday 13 July 2014

Bali - A Villa in Sanur

I've decided to dispense with the numbering system...I feel it will become too onerous when we finally arrive in Canada...I'm going to stick to themes now...lazy?  Perhaps...

The second leg of our Bali vacation was in the town of Sanur, on the east side of Bali.  We met there with our Seoul school family - Vanessa, Rita and Cathy (three of the four other teachers who opened the new CBIS school in Seoul with us in Septembet 2012) and Ada, who joined them at CBIS this year.  The six of us rented a private villa a block from the beach.  We lived in the lap of luxury, enjoying the private pool, and lovely outdoor showers. The beach, eating and shopping were all close.  It was a wonderful time of friendship, visiting, sun-worshiping and relaxing.

 Our bedroom
 Deck and pool


It was a lovely place to call home for a few days.

The beach was a block away.  I didn't go and swim much, though the others went in the water.  Beach chairs could be rented for the equivalent of $5 per day, so the afternoon was often spent on the beach.

 Rita at the beach our first day.

 I did get my feet wet...

The sand was very interesting.  Up on the beach the sand was angular, down by the water it was round.  Walking by the water was difficult as our feet sunk into the sand badly.

 Angular sand

 Round sand.

The breakers were a long way from the beach.

 The white line....way out there is where the surf was...

This is a popular area for kite was always windy!  Some people were really amazing.

Of course there were jet skiis!

Of course there was lots of touristy shopping in Sanur.  (And I note I took no pictures of these little shops). Bob and the others got quite good at bargaining,  I find it uncomfortable - at least on the beach - in the little shops it is a bit different.  You start with "how much is this?" And then when a number is given, offer back about one third of the asking price and go from there.  Generally the final price was between one third and one half of the original asking price.  It seems to me that it would be tiring constantly haggling over the price of things....

 Successful shopping with Rita and Ada.

 Remember the aluminum craftsmen?  Here are aluminum wares for sale.

On our last day we decided to go on a sunrise hike to Mt Batur, a dormant volcano on the island of Bali, about 2 hours from Sanur....but that is an adventure all it's own....

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