
Monday 30 June 2014

Bali-Day 2.2

It struck me as I completed Bali Day 2 that it was in fact Bali Day 1, so I thought I would borrow the numbering system software uses and declare this version as 2.2...simply an update of Day 2.  This is actually our second full day in Bali, though it does seem like we've been here longer.

I will start with our amazing accommodations.  When we first decided on Bali, we began searching Airbnb for possible locations and we stumbled upon the place where we are currently staying.  Billed as a "traditional" Balinese experience, Bamboo cottages is just that....small cottages made of bamboo.  Our hosts, Puta, Zanzan and their family have created a little oasis.  There is a place for meditation, an eating area and the cottages.  

A waterfall leads to a pool and the water runs on down to the rice fields below.  

Our room has a bed with a canopy and curtains of mosquito netting...the cool breeze flows through the room at night.  

The bathroom is also "outside"...private yet open to the sky.


Our meals have been fabulous!  Traditional Balinese food cooked by Zanzan's mother. I was fooled today by tofu chicken...something I didn't believe possible!
Our food is served on banana leaves.

Our hosts are friendly and accommodating.  They have decided to make this a "green" development and use no plastic...we have glass bottles of water in our room!  Two of their children attend the "Green  School" which is an international school located in Bali.  Our hosts are trying to help their village become 'greener' and go back to more traditional methods of farming and using the land. 

Today we went on a village tour with Puta's cousin, and I will make that the subject of version 2.3.

1 comment:

  1. Keep the updates coming. Looks like an adventure already.
