
Tuesday 2 October 2012

Coffee Anyone?

I know - It's been forever since I posted...well...a month and a bit.  Here it is, October already.  My excuse is that I've been busy.  I have some pictures to catch up with.

We have noticed that there are a lot of coffee shops in Seoul.  Koreans seem to like coffee...a lot.  One Sunday we decided to take pictures of all the coffee shops we saw between Yeoksam station (where we get off to walk the two blocks to church) and Seolleung station (the next station along - we walk to this station after church).

Sometimes coffee places are also bakeries.  If this is the case, then the name is French.  So far all bakeries (except the little ones in the market) have French names.

This is the coffee shop right by the church.  We are not sure if "Etiopia" is "Ethiopia" spelled without the "h" or if it has another meaning altogether.  This is the only one we've seen by this name.
This is a very big coffee chain in Seoul. This one is a block from the church.
This one is across the street from the one above.  A block from the church.  We've only seen Cafe Nescafe by the church.

 This is kind of a "cheater" entry as it is a sandwich shop as well.

There's that "non-English" and yet not French spelling of cafe...somewhere between coffee and cafe.

Dunkin Donuts is very big in Korea...they have surprisingly good, and relatively inexpensive coffee too.  As well as all the other requisite frothy and smoothie beverages.

An office building is incomplete without a coffee shop - oh and bakery.  Hmm...this one looks like it might be an actual "cafe" as opposed to a Coffee shop...(it might not actually fit in this coffee shop album).

One on every corner...just like home :)

This is a common coffee shop in Seoul.

As is this one - just under construction here - but one of the most popular in Seoul, according to guidebooks.

Note - the French name - a "Green" coffee shop - serving only organic coffee.

An action shot outside the Paris Baguette - mostly a bakery, but also serves coffee...of course.

Not sure what 7 gram has to do with coffee...or cafe for that matter.

I'd like to meet Gloria Jean...this is the only coffee shop by this name we've seen in Seoul.  But there is a lot of city that we still haven't seen of course.

Another big coffee chain in Seoul.

And just to prove that what I said is true.  This is the second Starbucks we see between one metro station and the next.